Best tool for (Artistic) Growth

I put “artistic” in quotes here, because this really applies to everyone. And what is more artistic than life itself?

I think the best tool for any kind of growth is to stretch ourselves outside of where we are comfortable. Comfort is the arch enemy of progress or growth of any kind—I think most people agree on that fact. Most people also really like comfort. The more comfortable you can become with discomfort, the more you will grow. One of the best moves I made in beginning my path as an artist was to try many different mediums and styles—and once I found “my style” and my preferred medium of oil, I kept trying other ways.

I had been painting for about 9 months when I decided to join a local figure drawing class. This was a class held at Featherstone on Martha’s Vineyard, and it was a storied class—begun initially by a group of early vineyard artists in one of their living rooms. About twenty or so artists would join every week—some would just be drawing, others would have watercolors or pastels, just any medium that they wanted.

You guys…I was NERVOUS. I had my charcoals and my sketchbook, and I kind of hunched over it hoping no one would look, even though many artists liked to get up and walk around and check out everyone else’s work. I felt like I was in 5th grade again, nervous even to stand up and take a bathroom break. This was solid gold when it comes to stretching yourself.

If you can find one of these situations, that is the best way, in my opinion, to grow as an artist (or in any field really). Find something outside of your comfort zone. Feel like a nervous awkward 11 year old again. This does wonders for our neural pathways and can jumpstart all kinds of creativity and new ideas.

Some ideas:

Join Toastmasters and get really comfortable with being uncomfortable on stage

Take a class in something completely new to you

Learn a musical instrument

Join a band

Take an art class ;)

Start a blog (yes I feel awkward posting half of my blog posts but I do it anyways)

Even better—start a youtube channel and combine several of these ideas into one

Travel somewhere new by yourself

What else you you add to this list?