Personality + desire

“Do you know what you want? Are you enjoying the evolution of your desire? If you are among the rare humans who answered ‘yes’ then you understand who you are and what this physical life experience is really all about” -Abraham Hicks

One of the tools I see as crucial in deciding how to get what we want, is knowing how our personality processes desires. Some personalities follow desires naturally, without thought (Hi it’s me). Others see desires as bad, and think that we must “do good deeds” over pursuing our happiness. I remember a conversation with my mom and she was downright horrified to learn that I thought happiness was the point of life. Does one of these sound more like you?

I want to encourage you to look at this from a collective energy perspective. The science of bio-energetics shows us that energy is palpable and transferred between humans, animals, and even plants. Christopher Huygens was the first to discover this in the 17th century with what he termed “entrainment theory.” He found that, if you set all the clocks in a room, the pendulums would eventually sync up so they were swinging in unison. Modern scientists have taken this a step further to understand that humans really do adapt to the energy around them. Whether you are around negative or positive energy, your own frequency will shift to match it. This is shown even more with the science around bio photons. Scientists now knows that the human body emits and communicates with light, or biophotons.

When Mother Theresa said that the best way to save the world was to go home and love your family, she was not being flippant or speaking in spiritual code. She was very serious. We are a collective universal being. When one person is hurt, the hurt spreads around them. Look at the way one angry or abusive person can have a ripple effect on the world. Now flip it around and think about how one positive, whole, happy, fulfilled person can spread their light outwards forever. There is no limit to how far your light can move when you are happy. Happiness is underrated by many. Happiness is everything. True happiness, inner peace, wholeness…that is the way to change the world. Sure, good deeds matter. But they don’t do much to change the world if they don’t come from the well of your own happiness. It’s science ;)

So now that we have effectively proven that happiness is important, lets talk about how we get that happiness. I believe that happiness comes flooding in when our outer world is the most fully aligned with our inner world. When our truest desires are being played out in this game called life. Your desires, your wants, your dreams, your basic preferences: these are all solid ground to stand on. You are a much more intelligent and intuitive being than you probably realize, and deep down you know what you want, and you even know the best way to get there. All it takes is learning to listen, learning to trust yourself, and learning to allow it.

Whether you believe in God or Allah, Buddha, Shiva, or Universal Source, Angels or Spirit Guides, or your living room TV, you were born for a reason. You were born in a specific time and place for a specific reason. Your soul came to learn lessons and to evolve.

So if your soul came here for a reason, how were you supposed to remember that reason, amid all the noise of life on earth? That is where your desires, likes, and preferences come in. They are there for a reason. They are not accidental, frivolous or selfish. And if mastery of self is top on our human to-do list, being selfish isn’t even so bad. Maybe its time we moved “selfish” over to the good side when it comes to human qualities. Some amount of selfishness allows us the space to fully shine our light to others as well. 

These desires are like little angels tugging on your sleeves, saying “look over there, come this way, trust me!” When we ignore those desires and instead do what we think we “should do” to be “good citizens” then we do the world and the collective energy a grand disservice.

What is one way you can start doing what you truly want in 2022?